PCCA Experience Sharing by our Career Coaches
In this edition of the Puthri Pulse Newsletter, our Volunteers - the Career Coaches, who are one of the pillars contributing to the personality development of the Puthri Scholars, share their views and experiences on the Puthri Career Choice Assessment program. The program helps the Puthri Scholars to make informed decisions about their career development and trajectory by identifying their strengths & passions.
Nandhini Ravichandiran shares her experiences:
1. How is PCCA benefiting the Puthri Scholars?
Ans: I feel PCCA is like a lighthouse to a ship in a vast ocean. Children in their teens are unsure of so many things. What to study next? What career path to choose? Are my ambitions validated? These are some questions every child has at that age. Our Puthris have it even more challenging as their radar of the world is limited. PCCA comes as a guiding light giving them a broader view of their future, reassuring them of their ambitions and sometimes giving them the much-needed clarity.
2. Is the psychometric assessment enabling the Puthris to choose the career of their choice?
Ans: The psychometric analysis is a guideline, but it does the magic. It accomplishes the aim of its design. It doesn't give a definite answer but provides the freedom to choose the most appropriate one. It is like the observant teacher who guides the student rather than choosing for him.
3. How much is the Analysis report helping you to counsel them? Are you able to judge and answer their queries?
Ans: The analysis report gives a glimpse into Puthri's nature. Sometimes it shines a light on areas and traits the child herself did not know. It gives Puthri scholar the options of a career she might have overlooked. It helps us to judge her calibre and answer her queries appropriately.
4. Your overall experience in interacting with the Puthris (Please include any impact stories they have shared with you/anything which touched your heart. Do you find them intentional in pursuing higher studies? Are they confident, bold and ambitious?
Ans: The Puthris are aware of the importance of the PCCA. They take it quite seriously. Never have I come across a student who lacked career intentionality.
- I had the opportunity to meet a Puthri, who lives with her grandmother; who made her livelihood making hair extensions. She had a younger sister and no parents. I could see the desire to succeed in life burn like a fire deep down in her eyes. She wanted a future and a bright one too. Her determination inspired me greatly.
- In another instance, I met with a child who wanted to become a lawyer. She was focused, did not entertain second thoughts or even a glimmer of distraction. Her PCCA report also reflected her ambitions.
- I had an interesting interaction with a Puthri in one of our online PCCA sessions. She wanted to become a Puthri volunteer. I was glad. I asked her what made her decide so? She replied that she was impressed by our volunteers and their work. She wanted to make the same impact on other Puthris that our volunteers had made on her.
5. Your views on the Career Handbook which we give to our Puthri Scholars post Career counselling.
Ans: The Handbook is like the Holy Grail. I wish I had one when I was in 12th std. It is easy to understand and is straightforward. Frankly, I was not able to estimate how valuable and important it was at first glance. Its significance hit me when I started taking the sessions. All the information was at hand; it made it easy for the volunteers and the Puthris. It goes about to show how much effort and work had gone into the compilation of the book.
6. Share you experience of conducting the PCCA during this pandemic
Ans: The online PCCA is a phenomenal event. I could feel how grateful the Puthris were when they gave feedback. With the pandemic casting a massive uncertainty in their future, these sessions are lifesavers. The children are happy to talk and hear words of reassurance and motivation. Hats off to the team for making this possible.
Vignesh Raja shares his experiences:
1. How is PCCA benefiting the Puthri Scholars?
Ans: In my opinion, PCCA is a brilliant and one-of-a-kind initiative. During my interactions with the Puthri Scholars, I have observed the Puthris are always bubbling with energy; their enthusiasm and keenness to learn about diverse opportunities available to them are evident. The PCCA initiative reinforces the idea of career intentionality to the Puthris; it widens the horizon by helping students make informed decisions on new age academic and career possibilities. The assessment report is invaluable as it provides the innate strengths of an individual, mapping areas of improvement against ones' preferred career choices.
2. Is the psychometric assessment enabling the Puthris to choose the career of their choice?
Ans: "The proof of the pudding is in the eating". So before I carried out the psychometric assessment on the Puthris, I took up the test myself. I must say, I was pleasantly amazed by the reliability and validity of the data. Now assessing the Puthris, I observe that the framework provides a pragmatic view on the current status of the student, helping them reflect and look within. By reviewing this assessment, the Puthris can make a judgement on what their innate strengths are. They can also identify the skills required to excel in their preferred career option, thereby take a course correction, if necessary.
3. How much is the Analysis report helping you to counsel them? Are you able to judge and answer their queries?
Ans: The Analysis report provides an intuitive snapshot based on the student's responses. The general approach followed is to speak to them and help them. I make sure they understand and relate to the showcased datasheet, without being judgemental. I strive to make them feel comfortable; help them understand their traits and strengths. I listen to what their future career aspirations are. Further inputs are provided on a case-to-case basis upon reviewing the document. It helps them navigate areas of improvement, especially in instances, when a student's preferred career choice does not appear in the list of top 3.
4. Your overall experience in interacting with the Puthris (Please include any impact stories they have shared with you, an/ything which touched your heart. Do you find them intentional in pursuing higher studies? Are they confident, bold and ambitious?
Ans: Personally, every PCCA interaction with the Puthris has been a gratifying experience. During my interactions, I have come across a wide array of students: some are extremely bright, some audacious, some rebellious, some are quite silent but perceptive. In general, I noticed a common thread running through every Puthri I interacted with, a keen sense to pursue higher studies. Many were good in academic/extra- and co-curricular activities, which I think is commendable. Since every Puthri is a first-generation learner, the fire to excel is intense. They understand the power of knowledge, value of money and the efforts and sacrifices their parents [auto driver, carpenter, domestic help, cook, to name a few] and brothers-sisters make; so that they could study. A few noteworthy mentions are the power of role models Puthris choose and look up to to make their dreams come true. A student mentioned an IAS officer for the impact she could create, inspired by the interaction, while another student mentioned she wanted to pursue advocate/lawyer, as her dad was pursuing a clerical role in the court because she wanted to make him proud.
5. Your views on the Career Handbook which we give to our Puthri Scholars post Career counselling.
Ans: The Career Handbook provides a ready reckoner and a quick check guide for the students to refer to. Considerable efforts have gone towards making it richer and resourceful. The Handbook helps to open the minds of students (and the parents too) encouraging them to look beyond the prosaic B.E, B.Techs and M.B.B.S degrees. In the current times of technology expansion, where information becomes obsolete faster, we may want to consider building a future tech tool/app that will constantly update itself and stay relevant to current times.
6. Share you experience of conducting the PCCA during this pandemic.
Ans: I have not done any PCCA session during this pandemic. But I have thoroughly enjoyed interacting with the Puthris during the mentoring and knowledge sharing initiative. These tech-savvy and virtual sessions during these times are the need of the hour. It helps the current generation of students to tide over pandemic stress, and stay updated. Furthermore, I am thankful for the opportunity to be a trainer guiding the new mentors/volunteers who joined our PCCA initiative recently. Many thanks and best wishes.
Geetha Anand shares her experiences:
1. How is PCCA benefiting the Puthri Scholars?
Ans: PCCA to the Puthri scholars, is like a mirror showing them who they are and what their strengths and opportunities are. If you know who you are and how to chase your dream, then things fall in place. Here is where PCCA assessment and career counselling helps.
2. Is the psychometric assessment enabling the Puthris to choose the career of their choice?
Ans: Definitely Yes. A mountain to climb can be overwhelming when we look at it from far. But once at the foothill, if you can see the steps leading to the top, then things become easy.
Similarly, a Psychometric assessment reveals your personality and the things that Puthri can naturally do well and things that they have to watch out for. So, it helps them visualise their dreams; and also see if their passion and their abilities are supportive to the career that they want to choose. Once this clarity is there, things get easier for them. All they need is a dedicated execution of their plan.
3. How much is the Analysis report helping you to counsel them? Are you able to judge and answer their queries?
Ans: It is a very exhaustive analysis of individuals strengths; what courses would suit their personality type well and what they should do or prepare if they have to chase a career? It also shows how to shape up your personality to suit a career.
4. Your overall experience in interacting with the Puthris (Please include any impact stories they have shared with you, anything which touched your heart. Do you find them intentional in pursuing higher studies? Are they confident, bold and ambitious?
Ans: Fantastic experience.
When we interact with Puthris, we come to see their world in close quarters and from their perspective.
One of the Puthri, born in a family of 4 siblings, first to be educated, wanted to be the highest earner in the family. She had an elder sister and the remaining were younger than her. Her aim was to study well, earn the highest in the family and lift them up.
They are Bold, Confident and Ambitious. It is like a big statute embedded in a stone already. As counsellors, all we need to do is help them chisel out the unwanted parts and focus on the needed parts and their goal. They will find themselves achieving it.
5. Your views on the Career Handbook which we give to our Puthri Scholars post Career counselling.
Ans: It is an exhaustive book giving options to choose from, colleges to apply and exams to write. A very handy book with all reference pointers.
6. Share you experience of conducting the PCCA during this pandemic.
Ans: PCCA during the pandemic was like providing oxygen to both Puthris and career counsellors. The Puthris were grateful as a person was trying to help them provide the information that will help them chase their dreams. For Counsellors, it was an opportunity to make a difference to many needy Puthris and shape their careers.